Monday, May 25, 2009

Effectively and accurately promoting awareness of crucial issues that arise from globalization and constructively shaping the response toward them

In a globalizing world, people have countless opportunities to observe and assist in the amendment of issues on both a local and a global level. The interconnectedness of countries, organizations, and individuals around the world, largely as a result of the development and use of communications technologies such as the Internet, provides opportunities to increase awareness of issues and influence the response to these issues. However, sometimes the unlimited information available to us is unreliable or inconsequential, and it can become difficult to recognize which problems or issues are genuinely important or where a significant difference can be made.

Nevertheless, global interconnection can be utilized to achieve goals and resolve problems. This is exemplified in how communication technologies are employed to share ideas, reliable information, and documents in the endeavor to narrow and eventually dissolve the social, economic, and political differences that separate men and women, otherwise known as the gender gap. Access to reliable information on this subject is an important factor in spreading awareness about the gender gap and developing effective programs that work to improve quality of life for all people, no matter their gender or race, in response to this issue.

Becoming aware is the first step toward change. As a global citizen, I can respond to both local and global issues by promoting awareness for myself and others and by fulfilling my role in the fight to revolutionize gender discrimination and other iniquitously contentious issues. On a personal level, I can increase my knowledge and understanding of controversial topics through the research of relative, reliable information about district, national, and global concerns. Implementing my unprecedented awareness of issues and fulfilling my duty as a global citizen, I can align with organizations and coalitions of people, whether online or in person, that protest issues such as gender, labor, and human rights violations, and so become a voice for change that is heard worldwide.

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